About the Course
The course is designed for specialists in upper limb surgery (young trainees and experts) who wish to incorporate new knowledge or update their existing knowledge on the main pathologies in the management of the various joint and ligament pathologies of the elbow.
Course Curriculum
Available in
after you enroll
Available in
after you enroll
- Módulo 1: Anatomia Biomecánica del Codo (127:50)
- Módulo 2: Fracturas del Extremo Proximal del Cúbito (olécranon, coronoides, Monteggia) (127:13)
- Módulo 3: Fractura de Cúpula Radial (133:48)
- Módulo 4: Fracturas del Extremo Distal del Húmero (supracondileas) (127:36)
- Módulo 5: Luxo - Fracturas del Codo (101:00)