About the Webinar

In the first part of this thirteenth module of a 15-part series, you will learn more about fracture signs, classification, state of the art treatment, approaches and possible postoperative complications in Le Fort I, Le Fort II and nasal bone fractures. Why are occlusion and teeth the keys to reconstruction? What factors determine whether a top-down or bottom-up strategy is followed in the surgical treatment of Le Fort I and II fractures? These questions will be answered with the help of case examples. The second part focuses on Le Fort III fractures, frontal and nasoorbitoethmoid (NOE) fractures. Learn why these fractures are among the most complicated of the facial fractures and what the emergency and definitive treatment looks like. Which approaches are possible and what should be considered during intubation? What long-term complications can occur? You will get the answers here. At the end there is a short Q & A. 

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Dr. Dr. Lars Bonitz,

Dortmund Hospital,

Oral and maxillofacial surgery, Dortmund, DE

Professor Andreas Kolk

University Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Innsbruck, AT
